رسالة تحفيزية لدراسة الماستر باللغة الانجليزية

 نموذج رسالة تحفيزية لدراسة الماستر باللغة الانجليزية لطلاب الباكلريوس لمساعدتك في كتابة الرسالة التحفيزية الخاص بك لدورة درجة الماجستير في اللغة الإنجليزية؛

قدم خلفيتك وطموحاتك ولماذا التدريب المستهدف ضروري في حياتك المهنية المستقبلية ...


Personal Statement for XXXX University:

I began my studies at XXX in studying XXX, after a degree (4 years) and XXX. I decided to continue my studies in some business law studies.

During my studies of private law I chose to specialize in French business law and contracts.

It was fantastic for me to enhance my law degree from my lessons of the degree and the Master of Management at XXX. The lessons on topic such as international tax, international law or finance allowed me to be able to consider business law from a wide angle in an international context.

I studied business law in order to be a specialist and to benefit from the lessons I received from my first degree course in Management and to apply them into studying in a law environment.

During those years of studies I realized how important it was to be able to consider law problematic from an international point of view, especially in business and contracts law.

In a precedent French law firm in Paris where I trained for 4 months I realized that, even in smaller structures, I will need to be able to contemplate case law studies from an international see sight.

I’m highly motivated to study at XXX University because I want to benefit of the best education opportunities. I’m applying for a corporate LLM in order to belong afterwards to an American law firm in a European office. I want to be a specialist of international business law and to be as well a technician and a large viewer on commercial law issues.

At XXX University I would like to focus on different topics regarding acquisition and especially international acquisitions. As we can see in recent deals, many acquisitions are made across the Atlantic in high technology or industry. Those operations need some specific skills and knowledge to manage them. Whether the operations take place on the stock exchange or in private equity it is necessary to deal with specific rules of different countries.

I’ll need to know both American and French business law concerning the different rules about acquisition, competition and the inner rules of different types of companies. I know those operations need some specific skills and I want to learn them in XXX University where I can benefit of the best professors and a great studious environment.

At the XXX School, I will have the opportunity to study in an environment uniquely suited to my objectives and of working with leaders in the industry and in the academic world. Spending one year at XXX and acquiring a XXX degree will further enhance my international background and better prepare me for a career in law in any country in the world. In turn, I hope that my passion for the field, along with my international background and experience, will be a positive addition to the already rich student life and environment at XXX University.

Sincerely yours,
Firstname Lastname



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